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Southwest Vision is now accepting medicare!

Are you tired of going to the ophthalmologist office and waiting hours before you see the doctor for only five minutes? Do you feel limited with your options for eye care professionals that accept Medicare? Good news!! At Southwest Vision you will receive the one- on- one attention you need with our staff, technicians, and our doctors AND get to use your Medicare card!

The doctors at Southwest Vision treat and manage many ocular conditions like glaucoma, macular degeneration, and cataracts. We have state of the art technology that will enable you to receive the best care that is currently available. We also have a beautiful optical with hand selected frames and designers, including Chanel, Tiffany, Dita, and Maui Jim (to name a few).

Southwest Vision can now accommodate your entire family from small children to grandparents. Please call our office today if you would like to set up an appointment!
